TowelRoot App makes it easy to Root locked Galaxy Android Devices

Now, owners of Samsung Galaxy phones, especially the S5 can take their similar devices to control, thanks to a new tool called Towelroot.
Apple's ecosystem, the release of restrictions is called iOS jailbreaking, by analogy with the device release his prison sentence imposed by Apple.
Androids, avoid blocking the system imposed by the provider is known as Rooting it consists of granting Root access (superuser privileges or administrator) in a way not approved by the phone provider .
"But wait a minute," you probably think: "Android is an open operating system with an open source ecosystem, so why not get the Root ask well".
On some devices you can.
For example, Google Nexus 7 devices are very popular among researchers, testers and developers.
For security reasons, you can not get Root access by default, but if you have physical access to the phone, you can:
• Unblock the Bootloader, which allows you to replace the operating system provided by the provider.
• Use the Android debug deck (BAD) via USB to install the software that gives access to the root.

Risks of Rooting

There are risks with an Unlocked Device, of course.
You can install the firmware that is so buggy that your device will be in free fall that can not be recovered; This is familiarly known as a brick device. (In ancient times, mobile devices were heavier and more bricks, so the devices were known as broken bricks).
You may be able to recover the device by performing a full and final restoration of the firmware provider, as it may in the Nexus 7, for example, but absolutely all lose.
But many device providers are not as liberal.
Wrap the Android open source kernel in a layer of proprietary software that voluntarily and often widely limits their access to the device.
There are good security reasons to do this, as it happens, especially since it is much harder for you to shoot in the foot.
In particular, a well-implemented anti-racism block means that even if they are infected with malware despite the election of unwanted software, malware should not be able to do more damage than a normal application.
Of course, even regular applications (with appropriate permissions) can do a lot of harm anyway, reading their contact lists, listening to phone calls, using the webcam, intercepting SMSes, displaying on Social networking sites, phone number premium rate numbers and much more.

Therefore, an anti-root lock does not prevent the malicious software from causing damage to your extended digital reputation or your bank balance.
But it is much more difficult for malicious software to support the entire device, or to resist removal by security mode, or buried in code or data from other applications.
This limits the maximum useful damage that can cause malicious software

Why Root at all?

At this point, you may be asking, "Even if the choice on rooting my device is allowed, why exercise this right"
There are many answers to this question, including simply "Because it is there".
There are also many concrete reasons why Rooting can be useful, for example:
• To help you escape from locks are not security-related, such as access restrictions imposed by the network provider. (For example, the Google Nexus 7 firmware does not allow you to configure your device as Wi-Fi access).
• To give you access to backup files that would otherwise be inaccessible to the device, such as APK software (application packages) that you purchased and installed.
• To remove unwanted applications (often called bloatware) added by the provider for its own business reasons.
• Apply security updates if your provider takes them to provide them.
The irony of the last point is important: security locks are often presented as a general justification for controls imposed by providers may eventually become less secure because it also prevents you from implementing your own security solutions.

Root or not to Root

This brings us to create a link (sorry!) The problem: Root or not to Root?
We have listed many benefits of Rooting above, and many writers have taken naked root security personal Android devices personally.
However, we will maintain our longstanding conservatism in our advice to system administrators in the workplace.
We are not looking to be negligent or wowsers, just a pragmatic approach.
Rooted in the hands of a competent user device can be made safer, faster and more useful.
But a Rooted device can end up increasing the danger both to its owner as well as any corporate information or network accessible from, as a misconfigured Root can easily leave the most vulnerable phone hackers, malicious software and Other data security risks

What about TowelRoot

The problem, if any, with Towelroot is that it uses a "non-reboot required" exploit. (For this reason, Sophos Anti-Virus detects that Andr / TowRoot-A.)
Rooting any phone that is not supposed to unlock it obviously requires some kind of Elevation of Privilege (EOP) function, simply because the supposedly Rooted step is possible.
Some procedures require physical access to the Rooting device and reboot, which means that you must follow a deliberate and methodical route to the result.
This makes it as good as possible for you to take Root in error, or under your hand by malicious software.
Towelroot is not hidden, but it is convenient and fast, reminding us that the security hole in which it is based could be secretly used by an attacker for EOP purposes.
According to George Hotz, the author of Towelroot, the vulnerability exists in the kernels used Android dated before June 3, 2014.
Therefore, if you have the Android version 4.4.2 or earlier, you are lucky or at risk, depending on your point of view.
Of course, if your provider does not seem to give an Android update in the short term, the only way to protect against Towelroot exploits can be used Towelroot itself but it's a contradiction security that you need to make your provider.


  1. I have a local shop for repairing and replacing phone parts. I have some costumer that looks to root their Android device but the tool that I'm currently using is OneClickRoot: ( it works perfect but being here i think its worth to try this tool you mentioned gonna try this as soon i have some costumer looking to root their Android devices. And gonna be back here for how it goes.


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